Customer Testimonials


Welcome to the Protektive Pak Customer Testimonials page! Check out what people are saying about Protektive Pak and see for yourself what all the buzz is about. If you would like to share your experience with our products or services please write a comment and we will post it here.

"The mat has been at two stations for approximately 4 weeks now. They have been exposed to typical chemicals, flux, alcohol, etc. One operator even sent a piece through our washing machine. We measured them today and they are well within the 10E6 - 10E9 range. Quite frankly, I'm very impressed with how durable this material is. Looks like we found the solution we were looking for. Thanks!"  

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"One of the best features of the small boxes is that their quality and design allows for multiple opening and closings without adversely affecting the flaps that hold the box closed. Most boxes of that design type deteriorate after a few openings and closings" - Silicon Labs  

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"We have been impressed with both the product and customer service that Protektive Pak offers. Quality product at a value price!" - Keltech, Inc.

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