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Question How much of DII MIS computer problems do you think are associated with them not following proper ESD control? How about you require the MIS department to properly use Field Service Kits and be grounded when opening a computer and replacing components?
Answer Please always use proper grounding procedures. If you are unfamiliar with the proper grounding procedures, please go to the ESDA website. I know most of us use wrist straps. Here is the proper procedure as far as I know. Attach a field service kit to ground and to the case. Wear a wriststraps and ground it to the case or the field service kit which is grounded to the case and to the utility ground. Do not place any insulators within a 1 foot radius of the case or components (tennis shoes included). If you have further questions on how to properly ground the field service kit, case or your body, ask any questions to The components (modems, NIC, RAM, Hard drive, etc.) should always be placed in a static shielding bag.
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