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Question Sorry to bother you but wondered if you have heard of anything about Ionizer posing a health hazard after long duration exposure. One of our employees said she read something on the WEB about prolong exposure can create a health hazard. My thoughts are the following: Women, Hair generates several kV in Dry climate to in excess of -2 kV under 60 % Relative Humidity. This being the case and an Ionizer which would neutralize this charge how can it possibly be a hazard. - Anonymous, Horsham, PA
Answer There is no confirmed proof that (though anecdotal evidence abounds) that sustained exposure to an ionized environment confirm these reports. As reported several places on the WEB. For our corona based neutralizing ionizers, the ozone output is well below the OSHA limit of 0.05ppm. The only type of ionization that we manufacture and sell are balanced corona based ionization. There are other types of ionization such as nuclear ionization, single polarity ionization (for supposed health benefits), etc.
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