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Question How would go about grounding smocks/lab coats? Do conductive finger cots shed? What are the benefits of using conductive cots over dissipative gloves? We have a lot of 961 IONIZERS are they good enough for a class zero station? - Anonymous, CA
Answer An article should answer Q1 about grounding smocks. The advantages depend on several questions; what are your specs, what are you handling, what's more comfortable for your operators, are you operating in a clean room or not. In general, the dissipative gloves will last longer than the finger cots. The dissipative gloves will also reduce the chances of a possible ESD event vs. a conductive cot (<1E4 Ohms), but no difference when using a dissipative cot. The gloves cover a larger surface area of the hand vs a finger cot. The gloves will be more cost effective if you can wear them over 12 applications. For class zero, there is no tolerance for any particulation over 2.5 micrometers whatsoever. The only way to obtain a class 0 clean room using an ionizer is to ensure the only part that is within the clean room space is the corona discharge emitter(s). You might find some systems that accommodate this. If it is an overhead or other "blower" type, then it would not meet your criteria. Our lines of overheads are OK for class 100 and up once initially prepared.
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