37455-FOAM, STATIC DISS, 46 BTM PAD ,1/4 x 14-3/4 x 18-3/8

37455-FOAM, STATIC DISS, 46 BTM PAD ,1/4 x 14-3/4 x 18-3/8              

37455 - Static Dissipative Black Foam, 1/4 x 14-3/4 x 18-3/8 IN, 6 x 375 x 467 MM

Internet List Price Email List Price
Qty: 1 $10.42
Qty: 25 $10.16
Qty: 50 $9.88
Qty: 100 $8.31
Qty: 1 $11.46
Qty: 25 $11.18
Qty: 50 $10.87
Qty: 100 $9.14

In-stock orders will ship in 3 business days or less after receipt of order.

Stock: 0

Stock Location: CHINO, CA, 13520 MONTE VISTA AVE

Country Of Origin: USA

Sold Per: EA

Gross Weight2: 0.02 lb

2The weight listed is gross product weight including standard packaging, actual shipment weight may vary.


  • Permanently static dissipative crosslink bottom foam to cushion ciruit boards
  • For use with the Protektive Pak® ESD In-Plant Handler and Storage Containers
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  • 37700 - Black Cushion Grade Static Dissipative Foam